Maryland Shade Structure Installation

Phone Us Toll Free Today, (877) 840-0707

maryland shade structures
Dual-post umbrella shade for a small picnic area.

We provide Maryland shade structure installation throughout the state of Maryland,  including the Washington DC metro area and Baltimore.  Best of all, we install structures of all sizes and shapes to meet the needs of your property. Our clients include many schools, day care centers, government agencies, homeowner associations, and educational institutions (like Towson University near Baltimore, where we installed a large canopy in 2012).

Our parent’s company name is “Maryland Materials Playgrounds,” so we obviously know the State of Maryland well. We’ve been in business since 1986, and during that time we’ve installed dozens of shade structures in the Free State. If you need references, we have them from many established educational organizations and other companies. Our work crews have personally installed several types of shade structures, mostly four-column squares and rectangles but also other types like cantilever shades, in which the posts are located on one side of the shade, maximizing space directly underneath the shade.

Our company works all over the State of Maryland, including the Eastern Shore. We’ve done jobs in Montgomery County, Frederick County, Prince George’s County, Washington County, and Baltimore County, from rural Hagerstown to downtown Baltimore. If you’re anywhere in the state, give us a call, and we can talk with you knowledgeably about your shade project.

We always let prospective customers know that installing a smaller shade structure isn’t rocket science, but it helps to know someone with some basic construction experience. For larger shades, the truth is, it really helps to have an experienced company like ours; there are certain considerations, like working with large steel posts, that you only learn through having gone through the effort in the past.

To contact us, you can phone toll free (877) 840-0707 or (301) 840-0707 locally. Or, contact us on the Contact Form located on the right hand of this page, or send us an e-mail at “mdmail @” (remove the spaces before and after the “@” symbol).